The Katrina Papers

This is my master's thesis, Time-Honored Versus Bigger and Better:  Critical and Strategic Conservation in Post-Katrina Mississippi, in which I argue that the New Urbanist designers of the post-Katrina Mississippi Gulf Coast faced two competing interests: to rebuild the Coast as it was (time-honored) or build something new (bigger and better).

Time-Honored vs Bigger and Better

"The Continuing Storm:  Andrés Duany and the New Urbanists Plan Post-Katrina Mississippi" describes my personal journey from "participant" in the Mississippi Renewal Forum to reporter and critic of the Forum.

"The Continuing Storm"

"Not drowning in nostalgia: diversity of design in post-Katrina Mississippi" is my attempt to quantify the aesthetic range of projects influenced by New Urbanism and Andrés Duany.

"Not drowning in nostalgia"